Life Revive Thank you so much to all of our Members for sticking with us for all these years! 2025 is going to be a year like no other. We are so happy to keep growing together in 2025 and beyond. Please Call or Email for Bookings
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Our 4 Steps
#1 Goal Setting
Setting goals helps our clients clarify and articulate what they want for their life, both in the immediate and the more distant future. It is only when they know what they really want they can determine how to get it, an important first step. When someone leaves their house, they only know in which direction to drive if they’ve decided where they’re going.
Setting goals keeps an individual accountable. When there is a specific target and a detailed plan for reaching it, an individual knows when their decisions are carrying them along with that plan or when they are taking themselves away from that personal commitment. You also place a responsibility to take directed action, to get up and get moving toward the prize. Procrastination and distraction are less problematic when you have a concrete goal in mind. Setting goals helps you become the very best self possible by allowing challenges to stretch beyond what is comfortable.
What Is SMART Goal Setting
SMART when applied to goal setting, stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. Keeping New Year’s resolutions, actually losing the weight you plan to, getting organized and stressing less are all admirable things for a client to strive for. What these good intentions often lack is a guide for making them happen. By framing desired achievements around the SMART acronym, even long-term goals can become a reality. SMART stands for:
Specific Goal Setting: A specific goal is one which states exactly what you want to accomplish. Inherent in the stated goal is some sense of how, when, and why you are striving for this outcome. Losing weight is a popular goal for many clients, but it’s not very specific. Are they losing weight to improve health, impress an ex they expect to see at a reunion or fit in a slinky dress? Their reason behind the goal can dictate how to go about it.
Measurable Goal Setting: Measurable goals generally involve numbers. A client voicing they want to eat healthily isn’t quantifiable. Are they hoping to decrease BMI by a certain percentage? Is their motivation lowering cholesterol? Attaching an actual amount to the goal keeps them to be honest and ensures they’ll stick with it.
Achievable Goal Setting: Everybody dreams of writing a bestseller, traveling to all 50 states or retiring at age 55. Sounds great but are these goals achievable? Aiming for the moon often results in disappointment. Sometimes setting modest goals is the best way to insure success. If a client wants to pay off their credit card debts, getting a raise might be their real goal. Employment is achievable while reducing debt with little or no income is not.
Relevant Goal Setting: From a young age, kids are encouraged to dream big. Definitely shoot for the stars but also temper that with a dose of reality. Relevant goals are those which tie into your present circumstances. Don’t allow your clients to put the cart before the horse. Sometimes you have to pay your dues and be patient before it’s your time. Have them set goals in increments so it’s more achievable and realistic.
Timely Goal Setting: Timing is everything and certainly factors into goal setting. SMART goals are time-bound. Clients should have a start and completion date in mind along with measurable benchmarks along the way. If they are prone to procrastination or always have an excuse about why it’s not a good time, then explain the crucial importance of keeping their feet to the fire.
#2 Diet and Exercise
here are the basics:
eat six small meals a day, 2 to 3 hours apart
balance each meal with a carb, protein and healthy fat
your portions should be about the size of your palm or fist. eyeballing is key in body for life. calorie counting is not necessary.
i follow the rule of thumb: eat as many grams of carbs and protein each day for every pound you weigh. so, 120 lbs=120 grams carbs, 120 grams protein…divided by 6 meals= about 20 grams of each per meal.
your ratios for where your calories come from at the end of the day should be 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat
no white bread, white rice, white sugar, white pasta, super processed foods, high fat foods, super refined carbs, soda, sugary desserts, etc etc etc!
every other day, you do a 20 min high-intensity interval cardio work out. there is a specific 20 minute structure based on RPE (rate of perceived exertion).
every other day, you do a 45 minute weight training session. you alternate between upper and lower body work outs. there is a specific structure based on RPE to decide how much weight to use and how many reps you do for each muscle.
drink a crapload of water. you may as well get a catheter because you will be urinating so much due to all the water consumption.
one day a week, all these rules are thrown out the window and you do whatever you want. free day :)
#3 Energy Enhancement System
What is Energy Enhancement System?
The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.
This stunning technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing. The EESystem has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.
The EESystem has been installed throughout the United States and internationally to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, purification and rejuvenation. This ecologically & environmentally safe system is used by individuals, doctors, and therapists as well as Meditation and Wellness Centers to improve human development and psychological well-being.
The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here.
#4 Mindfulness Training
Mindfulness is the simple process of noticing new things about the familiar. When we notice actively, we become sensitive to perspective and change.”
Ellen Langer, professor of psychology
Although the practices of mindfulness and meditation are thousands of years old, research on their health benefits is relatively new, but promising.
Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness involves focusing your awareness on the present moment. It means paying attention to your sensations, feelings, thoughts, and environment in the here-and-now with an attitude of acceptance. Some of the potential benefits of mindfulness include lowering stress, decreasing depression, improving memory, and strengthening your relationships, among other things.
In a large-scale review of more than 400 previous studies, mindfulness was identified as an effective mental health practice for helping almost all people improve their physical and psychological well-being.1
This article discusses the many benefits of mindfulness as well as some things you should consider before you decide if mindfulness-based practices are right for you.
Decreased Depression
Reduced depression is one of the important benefits of mindfulness. It can help relieve symptoms of depression and may help prevent these symptoms from returning in the future.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a type of therapy that incorporates cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). It is a relatively brief therapy, taking place over eight weeks utilizing group sessions that incorporate mindfulness practices.
In addition to mindfulness practices, MBCT also incorporates other activities such as meditation, body scan exercise, and yoga to help people focus on becoming more aware and accepting of their thoughts.
Research suggests that MBCT can not only be effective in reducing depressive symptoms but may also help prevent a relapse of depressive symptoms as effectively as antidepressant medications.2
Increased Emotional Regulation
Another potential benefit of mindfulness is that the practice may help you identify and manage your feelings. Emotional regulation refers to your ability to exert control over your own emotions. This means being able to both enhance or reign in emotions depending on the situation and need.
This ability can play an important role in mental well-being and difficulties managing emotions are linked to a number of conditions including depression and borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Research has found that mindfulness-based practices can be helpful for enhancing emotional regulation skills. Neuroimaging studies suggest that mindfulness training alters areas of the brain that are activated and deactivated in response to emotion-inducing stimuli.3
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) combines elements of mindfulness with CBT and emotional regulation training to help treat symptoms of conditions such as borderline personality disorder.
Research suggests that DBT can be effective in helping people manage their emotions.4 It has also been effective in treating anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
The emotional regulation benefits of mindfulness can make it easier to cope with your feelings, ultimately improving many areas of your life, including your relationships and well-being.
Reduced Anxiety and Stress
Chronic stress is a significant problem for many adults that can contribute to a variety of health problems, including an increased risk of depression and anxiety. According to the American Psychological Association, mindfulness can be helpful for soothing feelings of anxiety and stress.5
Mindfulness practices have also been adapted specifically for treating symptoms of stress. One approach, known as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), is an eight-week program that combines elements of mindfulness and yoga to help people address thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to feelings of stress.
Research suggests that MBSR can be a helpful way to reduce stress levels. One review of the research found that mindfulness-based therapy was also effective in the treatment of anxiety.1
A 2016 study concluded that mindfulness was both a simple and cost-effective way to reduce negative emotions, stress, and anxiety.6
However, mindfulness may not always be the best tactic for reducing stress, particularly in moments of a crisis. One study found that using mindfulness tactics when coping with a stressful event had no impact on how people responded to the event.7 In times of crisis, proven strategies such as deep breathing are often more effective, while mindfulness might be best used as you reflect back on the event once it is over.
Better Memory
Mindfulness may also have potential as a way to boost your memory. If you’ve ever forgotten an important meeting or misplaced your car keys, then you know that even simple, everyday memory problems can be a major hassle. Many of these moments of forgetfulness are caused by something known as proactive interference, where older memories interfere with your ability to access newer ones.
In one 2019 study, participants either received four weeks of mindfulness training or took a creative writing course. Memory tests indicated that those who had been trained in mindfulness practices showed the greatest reductions in proactive interference, which resulted in improvements in their short-term memory.8
Participants didn't just show improvements in memory performance, however. They also demonstrated changes in their brains. Brain imaging also revealed that participants in the mindfulness training condition experienced volume changes in their hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with memory.
Cognitive Improvements
Mindfulness doesn’t just help you focus on your thoughts or remember things more readily—evidence suggests it can actually play a role in your ability to think flexibly and clearly.9 It makes sense that the practice of mindfulness can change your thinking. After all, the practice itself is all about learning to be more aware of your thoughts without imposing judgments on them.
There are several important cognitive abilities involved in mindfulness, including:
Being able to focus your attention for a period of time (sustained attention)
Being able to shift your thoughts and attention in spite of the distractions around you (cognitive flexibility)
Suppressing other thoughts that interfere with your focus (cognitive inhibition)10
These cognitive abilities are important for a wide variety of everyday tasks. They allow you to think quickly and adapt to changing information. Such skills also help you switch from one task to another easily and make it easier to concentrate on tasks and solve problems more efficiently.
Stronger Relationships
There is also emerging evidence that practicing mindfulness may have a positive impact on your interpersonal relationships. A 2018 study found that people who were more mindful also tended to be more accepting of their partner's flaws and imperfections.11
People who are more accepting of their partners are also more satisfied with their relationships. Instead of focusing on their partner's flaws and trying to change them, mindfulness makes it easier to accept that their partner is not always perfect.
An approach to treatment known as mindfulness-based relationship enhancement (MBRE) has been shown to help improve partner acceptance, relationship satisfaction, empathy, and well-being.12 It incorporates mindfulness practices such as mindful touching to improve intimacy, becoming mindful of everyday activities, and practicing partner-focused loving-kindness meditation.
Better Physical Health
Research also suggests that mindfulness can help relieve symptoms of a range of different health conditions. Mindfulness practices have been linked to improvements in lower back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Type 2 diabetes, and fibromyalgia.13
Because mindfulness can help improve mood and combat stress, it may also be helpful for people who are dealing with chronic illness.14
Mental/Physical/Spiritual Awakening
Since 2010, we’ve been working as a Life Coach who specializes in helping people cope with their issues. We coach our clients in a way that utilizes both their heads, bodies and their hearts. We first learned about coaching when both of us hit a roadblock in our life and was struggling to move past it. The techniques we developed were so successful that friends and family began asking me for help with their own challenges. This motivated me to turn my newfound passion into a full-time career. If you have any questions about our methods, or would like to schedule a consultation, please get in touch today.